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  • Creatorland Newsletter #3 | First Profiles Going Live, The 480B Creator Economy Forecast, and Tips from a Creator Attorney

Creatorland Newsletter #3 | First Profiles Going Live, The 480B Creator Economy Forecast, and Tips from a Creator Attorney

👀 Profiles going Live, the latest social media updates & the insider scoop on what's trending on TikTok.

👋 Hey hey Creatorland Community!

In today’s email

  • Creatorland Platform Updates: First Profiles Going Live!

  • Creatorland in the Press!: Tubefilter, The Information, & Dot.LA are all getting 🔥’rd up about Creatorland!

  • News: Social Platform Lemon8 makes it to top 10 US apps- will it face the same ban as TikTok?

  • Tips from a Creator Attorney: Top things to look out for in brand-deal paperwork

  • Shout-Outs: The inside scoop on why creators joined Creatorland

  • Resources: Some platforms and resources we’re digging

  • Big News: Giveaways in Discord are happening now! Read more below…

Creatorland Platform Updates

Wow, a huge shoutout to all the amazing folks on our waitlist! Your patience has been absolutely outstanding as we hustle to bring Creatorland, the game-changing LinkedIn for the creator economy to fruition. The wait is finally over and we're thrilled to announce that this week, we're taking things up a notch and sending our first set of creator profiles live! And that's not all, these profiles will have seamless integration with TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, making it easier than ever to showcase your projects and blow away the competition. Are you as excited as we are? Let's do this!

WATCH YOUR EMAIL we’ll be reaching out to select creators all week to unlock your profiles and get you set up!

Creatorland in the Press!

Creatorland has been making waves in the press over the last few weeks. Here are some awesome articles we’ve been featured in.

A huge shoutout to the awesome journalists we’ve been working with. We’ve seen our waitlist jump almost 25% from these articles.

We ❤️ you!!

The Latest from The Creator Economy

  • Goldman Sachs Predicts a 480B Creator Economy by 2027
    One of the largest investment banks in the world is predicting parabolic growth for the creator economy over the next 4 years. While the current market has contracted, it’s set to explode. So get excited!

  • TikTok’s 18-and-up content is live!

    TikTok’s new feature allows creators to limit their viewers to ages 18+. Don’t get the wrong idea, users still have to follow all content guidelines. TikTok’s Content Levels are designed to keep content for users 13-17 age-appropriate.

  • Lemon8 is growing and may face the same potential ban as TikTok.

    Lemon8 has quickly grown to be in the app store’s top 10 apps in the US. Owned by ByteDance, this platform is designed to compete with Instagram. However, if Lemon8 collects data in the same way TikTok does, it will face the same potential ban.

  • As promised, Twitter released part of it’s source code to the public.

    Here’s what it means and how you can use it to boost your engagement on the platform.

  • Instagram launches 5 links in bio - sucks to be LinkTree. Check out the announcement on Techcrunch here. 

Creatorland Featured Tips: Redline Law.

One of our MOST requested education sections is about how to negotiate brand deals, what’s fair and what’s unfair in a talent agreement. We’re not attorneys over here, but we know someone who is, Stephen Kane from Redline Law Group! 

Redline is dedicated to helping creators navigate the crazy world of contracts and he volunteered to share some tips on what to look out for when negotiating a brand deal and thinking through deliverables in a breakdown below.

Custom Materials + Other Obligations

A good contract is all about making sure both sides are on the same page. It's important to work out the details ahead of time and have a clear understanding of what you're getting into, to help ensure a successful business relationship and avoid issues down the road. For example:

  1. What are the custom materials for this campaign? Make sure the deliverables are clear before you sign.

  2. Are they asking for exclusivity? If so, would that conflict with any of your other deals?

  3. Review and confirm you're okay with the proposed delivery schedule

  4. Review the key creative requirements - any deal-breakers?

  5. Timeline - try and lock down the deliverable timeframe. When do they need the assets by? How long do they want these to be featured on your profile?

We’ll be sharing more legal tips in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. Also, if you’re liking this section - reply to this newsletter and let us know! We love hearing from you on what you’re liking or would like more of 😊.

What people are saying

We asked a few creators what they’re looking forward to about Creatorland. Here’s what they shared with us. Share your expectations with us at [email protected] for a chance to be featured on our site or next newsletter!

I love that Creatorland has something to offer for everyone! It’s so easy to connect with other creators in your niche or branch out and learn more! My platform is always changing and with starting my new podcast Creatorland is helping me connect with other creators already in that zone and that’s really cool to me!

I joined Creatorland to learn more about negotiating with brands and managers. It can be a little scary when you are attempting to run your social media platforms and keep it professional behind the scenes by yourself, so what better way to learn than from other creators themselves that have been down this path.

Creator Resources, Products We’re Digging & Discounts for You

Automate Brand Deals - WithJuly.com

Why we love it: July takes a lot of the pain out of band deals for creators and gives creators superpowers for reaching out to the thousands of brands they have on their platform already. We strongly suggest you sign up using this link.

Tap into Causes that Matter & Earn Big 💰 - Urban Legend Apply Here (put “Creatorland in the referral box)

Why we love it: Urban Legend works with hand-picked creators that qualify for their-invite only platform to get paid to promote causes & issues they genuinely care about. We love the authenticity AND we love the payouts. Creators can crowd-source real change with their audience, and earn money doing it with successful conversions.

We strongly suggest you apply here and use code “Creatorland” in the referral box if you’re looking to diversify into affiliate and cause-based marketing.

Get involved, get engaged, get some $$$!

We’re hosting a week of conversation starters in our private Discord channel next week and we’re giving away $50 to one engaged member! The goal is for you to learn from fellow creators and to share your knowledge with your peers!

Join our community of 700+ creators on Discord by clicking the button below, and remember to register for the Creatorland waitlist as the community is exclusively for members of Creatorland!

👋 - Brian & the Creatorland Team

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